Hodina H was establised in 2002, have over 200 members, over 30 volunteers, 3 sisters’ organisation working as its branches. Hodina H has 17 years of international and intercultural experience as a coordinating, hosting and sending organisation for the international intercultural projects, adult educational project and volunteering projects at European level and within the partnership with other regions of the world. Mission Hodina H is to get, elaborate and provide information to the community, to ensure in this way their right to have information, support permanent and sustainable learning and personal development, full-valued leisure time spending, to develop international cooperation, voluntarism, active participation, adult people and general public in the public happening, to assist and facilitate the citizens’ education. Special emphasis is put on the services for adults and young people with fewer opportunities. Main fields of work of Hodina H are Information, Non-formal education, Volunteering, International cooperation and Personal development.
Website: www.hodinah.cz

The association of social promotion Petit Pas was founded in Trani (BT) – Puglia – Italy, in 2015. Petit Pas aims at the development of education, training and entrepreneurship of young people, women, migrants and the disabled in Puglia (IT) and abroad. To achieve these goals Petit Pas has an ongoing collaboration with leading universities, schools, associations, NGO’s and research organisations in Puglia for the development of projects, training and educational material. Petit Pas was born from the desire to help the NEETs of its territory in order to create a place of reactivation, development and support. In its headquarters (at a co-working space), Petit Pas helps newly graduated young people gain basic knowledge about entrepreneurial and employability skills required to make them job ready; such as CV writing skills, self-presentations and presentations skills in general; attending a winning interview; main aspects of leadership and team work, creativity, time management and project management.
Website: Petit Pas

The Institute of Entrepreneurship Development is a research organization established in 2005, focused on the promotion of entrepreneurship for everyone. The organization’s main activity is the implementation of projects under some of Europe’s most influential and groundbreaking Programmes like the HORIZON 2020 and the ERASMUS+ programmes.
Website: https://ied.eu/

ACD La Hoya is Spanish Cultural and Sport association is based on the principles of cooperation, integration, environment protection, solidarity, humanity and universal human values and promotes an environment in which the community will be able to create, think, realize their ideas and build positions and reactions on important issues. Develop activities in the rural community as art, sport and culture, also dedicated to the successful implementation and participation of European projects to bring the youth and senior Europe closer. The main aim is to give the youth and community possibilities to spend their time (Sport, arts, workshops, Culture, Europe), to support bottom up initiatives of the community, improve social work and facilitate the integration of young people into society especially those of rural areas by involving them in our work, and encouraging their creative spirit that helps increasing youth participation in both local community and society in general.
Website: www.acdlahoya.org

Nordic European Mobility, hereinafter NEM, was born in December 2015 from an adult initiative with the mission of involving adult in the educational, cultural and social life of the communities they belong to. NEM seeks for ensuring that adults are empowered to develop the skills and confidence to fully participate as active citizens in an inclusive society. NEM firmly believes that an active and responsible involvement of adults into the social, cultural and educational life of their communities can be achieved through development programs and activities. At the same time, we are convinced that the capability of adults to be very creative and spontaneous represents the key for a better future for Europe. NEM aims all kind of people, no matter their gender, age or ethnic background. NEM is convinced that being exposed to different cultures and gaining knowledge on them is the best way to reach peace and a better understanding among people from different countries and backgrounds.
Website: www.nordiceumobility.eu

Latvian Dyslexia Association is a parents’ organisation to advocate for equal and quality education for students with dyslexia and other learning disabilities (LDs) in Latvia. The organisation was founded in 2011 in Riga. Its biggest success is introduction of the concept of accommodation for students with LDs in the legislation and pedagogical practice. LDB advocates for the Western pedagogy understanding of dyslexia where it is not tied only to low ability group and academic performance. LDB does both general awareness building about dyslexia and push for systemic change to provide evidence-based reading instruction and compensation with ICT for every person with reading disability. The organisation maintains web page www.disleksija.lv and has prepared and published several books on dyslexia.
Website: www.disleksija.lv

CCD Ilfov is recognised unit of the Ministry of National Education, with an independent legal personality, location, heritage logo and its own seal. CCD Ilfov is a Resource Centre, offers educational assistance and management for teachers and ancillary staff, and is registered as a provider of continuing education. CCD Ilfov has as main objective the training of staff in primary and secondary schools Ilfov through training programmes, active scientific, methodological and cultural activities The centre promotes programmes that support learning and development throughout life, to promote quality assurance in education. It is an active Resource Centre geared towards training, professional, and personal development of employees of the Ilfov preuniversity education system. The aim of CCD Ilfov is to organize and provide training programmes for adult learners, teachers, leadership, guidance as well as auxiliary staff in Ilfov county, is a resource centre for innovation and expertise in the ongoing training of teachers, teachers’ assistants and educational managers in Ilfov county.
Website: www.ccdilfov.ro