Etiqueta: erasmus

Using social media for your job search

Nowadays social media are a potent ally in the job search; the labor market is constantly changing and adapting to the smartest technologies, looking for ways to complete tasks in the fastest but also effective ways. Within this overview, for someone approaching again the labour market after some time, it becomes essential to be up to date with the newest tools and resources to increase the chances to be recruited.   The old but good…

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Digital Competences for Educators – DigCompEdu

Digital technology enriches learning in a variety of ways and offers learning opportunities, which must be accessible to all; digitalization affects how people live, interact, study and work. This makes investing in one’s digital skills throughout life of the utmost importance.Digital competences require an interest in digital technologies and their use with a confident, critical, and responsible way. Digital competences include computer science and computer literacy, communication and collaboration, media literacy, creation of digital content,…

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First Transnational meeting in the Czech Republic

On December 2nd 2019 in Pelhřimov, Czech Republic took place the Kick-off meeting of Upgrade E-adults project. Partners from Latvia, Czech Republic, Italy, Sweden Romania, Spain, and Greece met for the first time in person to start working on the project. Hodina as coordinator organization illustrated the project to the partners,  goals to achieve and deadlines for the project implementation. This meeting was a fruitful occasion not only for the partners to meet in person,…

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